The list of parameters that are to be stripped.
Lista parametrilor care urmează să fie curățat
Enter space separated tracking parameters
Introduceți parametrii de urmărire separați prin spațiu
Tracking parameters:
Parametri de urmărire:
Tracking parameters must be entered
Parametri de urmărire trebuie introduși
Tracking methods
Metode de urmărire
Self-destruction of third-party cookies
Auto-distrugerea cookie-urilor din partea terților
Limit the time-to-live (TTL) of third-party cookies.
Limitează durata de conectare (TTL) a modulelor de cookie a terță parte.
TTL of third-party cookies
TTL de module cookie terță parte
Enter TTL:
Introdu TTL:
Current: %d min.
Momentan;%d min.
Enter IP:
Introduceți adresa IP:
Self-destruction of first-party cookies (not recommended)
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Limit the time-to-live (TTL) of first-party cookies
Limitează durata de viață (TTL) a modulelor cookie primare
TTL of first-party cookies
TTL de cookie-uri primare
Current: %d min.
Momentan:%d min.
Disable cache for third-party requests
Dezactivați memoria cache din partea terților
ETag-based caching might be used for tracking purposes.
Caching-ul bazat pe ETAG poate fi utilizat în scopuri de urmărire.
Block third-party Authorization header
Blocați antetul de autorizare terță parte
Authorization data is cached by browsers and can be used for tracking purposes.
Ar putea fi folosit în scopuri de urmărire.
Browser API
API pentru navigator
Block WebRTC
Blocați WebRTC
It can let others know your real IP address even if you use a proxy or VPN.
Poate permite altora să vă cunoască adresa IP reală chiar dacă folosiți un proxy sau VPN.
Block Push API
Blocați Push API
Prevent servers from sending notifications to browsers.
Împiedicați serverele din a vă trimite notificări către browsere.
Block Location API
Blocați Locația API
Prevent the websites from using the Location API.
Preveniți site-urile web din a vă folosi API-ul locației.
Hide Referrer from third-parties
Ascunde Referentul de la terți
Prevent third-parties from knowing what website you are visiting.
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Custom Referrer
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Current: %s
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Referrer is not valid
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Hide your User-Agent
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Remove identifying information from the User-Agent header.
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Custom User-Agent
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Current: %s
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User-Agent field must be filled
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The default behavior is to remove the identifying information from the browser. Leave empty to use the default behavior.
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Mask your IP address
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Tries to trick websites into believing that you have a different IP address.
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Custom IP address
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Current: %s
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IP Address is not valid
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Remove X-Client-Data header
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Blocks Google Chrome from sending its version and modifications information to Google domains.
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This option will become available if you enable Stealth mode
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This option will become available if you enable "Strip URLs of tracking parameters"
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This option will become available if you enable the self-destruction of third-party cookies
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This option will become available if you enable the self-destruction of first-party cookies
No translations found
This option will become available if you enable "Hide your User-Agent"
No translations found

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